Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Went to see DMBQ play the night after Halloween. It was a blast and made up for my uneventful evening the night before. These dudes are so next levs, and the face mask/microphone contraption? I meannnnn.


White Lightning said...

this is some bonkersass shizz right here. kinda dark!

Peter said...
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Peter said...

have two words to describe this band..P ..U!i saw them recently at some free show and boy did they stink.

Enfievre said...

peter!!?!?!? i thought it was awesome but it had a lot to do with the venue and the fact that they were burning stuff out of a garbage can and dancing on it. i do really like their music, maybe you just needed to be there with nic and i to truly experrrienceeee.