Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I've been trying to convert my files to mp3s to make a muxtape mixx but some won't convert so no muxtape. Boo! If you want, I can send you the files or you can dl some of them on itunes. Here is my mix in case you are even remotely interested in what I am listening to..

1. Seven and Seven Is-Love
2. The Wizard-Black Sabbath
3. Maggot Brain-Funkadelic
4. 1969-The Stooges
5. The Whirlings-Dead Meadow
6. Damage Inc.-Metallica
7. Satori Part 2-Flower Travellin Band
8. Die, Die My Darling-The Misfits
9. Street Waves-Pere Ubu
10. Dragonaut-Sleep
11. BossHoss- The Sonics
12. Tried to Hide- 13th Floor Elevators


Anonymous said...

Epic mixtape!

Annie Spandex said...

I've got to try this Muxtape. That might be the solution to my CPU problem.. Then maybe people could actually play that Tyrannosaurus Rex song!
I'm definitely going to play your mix. Stooges and 13th Floor Elevators yesyesyes